Title Type Play Child


Harriet Tubman & the Struggle Against Slavery The following web links contain information that adds to the historical and cultural background of Freedom Train. They have been chosen for their educational content only. Spirit Series does not endorse, recommend or…


Dear Parents and Families, Imagine: hiding in a safe house on the Underground Railroad, with Harriet Tubman at your side, as she risks life and limb to free her People from the yoke of slavery. Thanks to support from your…


Lakota Wisdom & Westward Expansion The following web links contain information that adds to the historical and cultural background of Song of Sitting Bull. They have been chosen for their educational content only. Spirit Series does not endorse, recommend or…


Dear Parents & Families, Imagine: riding the Great Plains with the legendary chief of the Lakota Nation — Sitting Bull — as he fights to maintain the “Old Ways” in the face of Westward Expansion. Thanks to support from your…

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