two hands nurturing a plant


Become a Volunteer SpiritCorps Story Coach


We are truly grateful to our many adult SpiritCorps Story Coach volunteers, leading students—grades 7 to 10—on a journey of self-discovery at a critical crossroads in their lives.

Story Coaches mentor with positive, constructive written feedback at three key points during the SpiritCorps process. You don’t need to be the world’s greatest writer to Coach! Just a feel for good story and a commitment to advance the lives of the young people we serve. As an added benefit, and a joyful part of your SpiritCorps experience, Coaches also go through the 5-Step process, from pitch to video story of your own. Once trained, we ask that you give an hour to each of 15 to 20 students during a school year.

To learn more, please watch the brief video above and make the SpiritCorps connection.

Together We Grow!

Request Your Story Coach Discovery Session

Story Coach Discovery

Coach Story showcase

Empower Students Across America

Your generous gift is 100% tax-deductible.
