SPIRIT SERIES began over two decades ago as a parent initiative.
Founded out of personal tragedy by a concerned father, the program depends upon support from parents and families for its success. Parent-Teacher organizations (PTOs) often make crucial contributions to underwrite a portion of the program’s cost at their schools. And families, inspired by their student’s SPIRIT SERIES experience, are some of the most vocal advocates for the program’s renewal at partner schools each year. In fact, many of our school partners were first introduced to the SERIES by impassioned parents.
Bring SpiritSeries to your school
Parents also volunteer during SpiritSeries drama-based residencies, whether working one-on-one with students on their lines in the classroom, at craft clinics, or dressing cast members on finale day. And thousands of family members have attended their student’s On Stage performances in grades 4-7.
Learn about us
At Home Values
Now, you can explore with your student AT HOME the positive core values we promote at SPIRIT SERIES. Watch heartfelt video stories from program staff and friends, then discuss what they teach us as we seek to live by the example of the heroes we celebrate in the SERIES.