Category News

New: Teacher Certification Program

After 18 years, SPIRIT SERIES is now on the threshold of making its primary mission a reality: to advance a new transformational paradigm in K-12 education. This summer we will launch a major initiative — the SPIRITWORKS Teacher Certification Program…

Jane’s Trust: Thank You!

Our ambitious Maine 5000 initiative, serving 5,000 students annually in 50 partner schools by September 2022, recently received a huge boost — a $75,000 grant from Jane’s Trust. This support will help scale the program in 2018, serving 1,300+ students…

Spirited ’17

November 27, 2017 Dear Supporters and Friends, With the events of this past year, many have concluded that our nation is hopelessly divided. We at SPIRIT SERIES have a different perspective, on the frontlines of a generation grappling with what…

Spirited… 2016 in Review

Dear Friends and Supporters, As in years past, we at SPIRIT SERIES have a great deal to be grateful for in this holiday season. The program updates included in our end-of-year newsletter — — chronicle some of the progress we…

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